Azure DevOps Agent Start Script - Pwsh

Inspiration taken from Microsoft.

Check out repo in how to use these

if (-not (Test-Path Env:AZP_URL)) {
  Write-Error "error: missing AZP_URL environment variable"
  exit 1

if (-not (Test-Path Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE)) {
  if (-not (Test-Path Env:AZP_TOKEN)) {
    Write-Error "error: missing AZP_TOKEN environment variable"
    exit 1

  $Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE = "\azp\.token"
  $Env:AZP_TOKEN | Out-File -FilePath $Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE

$AZP_AGENT_NAME = "azdo-win-agent-$(Get-Date -Format 'ddMMyyyy')-$(Get-Random)"
Remove-Item Env:AZP_TOKEN

if ($Env:AZP_WORK -and -not (Test-Path Env:AZP_WORK)) {
  New-Item $Env:AZP_WORK -ItemType directory | Out-Null

New-Item "\azp\agent" -ItemType directory | Out-Null

# Let the agent ignore the token env variables

Set-Location agent

Write-Host "1. Determining matching Azure Pipelines agent..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$(Get-Content ${Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE})"))
$package = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic $base64AuthInfo")} "$(${Env:AZP_URL})/_apis/distributedtask/packages/agent?platform=win-x64&`$top=1"
$packageUrl = $package[0].Value.downloadUrl

Write-Host $packageUrl

Write-Host "2. Downloading and installing Azure Pipelines agent..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($packageUrl, "$(Get-Location)\")

Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath "\azp\agent"

  Write-Host "3. Configuring Azure Pipelines agent..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

  .\config.cmd --unattended `
    --agent $AZP_AGENT_NAME `
    --url "$(${Env:AZP_URL})" `
    --auth PAT `
    --token "$(Get-Content ${Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE})" `
    --pool "$(if (Test-Path Env:AZP_POOL) { ${Env:AZP_POOL} } else { 'Default' })" `
    --work "$(if (Test-Path Env:AZP_WORK) { ${Env:AZP_WORK} } else { '_work' })" `

  Write-Host "4. Running Azure Pipelines agent..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

  Write-Host "Cleanup. Removing Azure Pipelines agent..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

  .\config.cmd remove --unattended `
    --auth PAT `
    --token "$(Get-Content ${Env:AZP_TOKEN_FILE})"

Source: docs/quickstart/utils/